
Working Groups

MtnSEON工作组是一组具有特定问题和目标的不同研究小组. 他们关注的焦点包括山谷中人类与大型食肉动物的冲突, 入侵植物, 对社会生态系统进行教育和培训. Scientists, managers, students, and stakeholders from the USA and abroad with interest in social ecological systems resilience and sustainability are invited to become involved in our ongoing, 人员和研究的动态网络. 




在过去的二十年里, 本土树皮甲虫的爆发已经杀死了北美西部数百万公顷的针叶林. Model predictions suggest that the geographic range of bark beetles will expand to higher latitudes and elevations during the 21st Century, 受气候变暖影响. 严重的甲虫干扰改变了森林的组成和结构, 改变生物地球化学循环, 改变景观对野火的易感性. 这对社会制度的影响是相当大的, 包括商品木材的损失吗, 水质和水量的变化, 房地产贬值, 旅游收入下降, 景观美学受损. 在北美西部, beetle-impacted landscapes are mostly found on public lands and management efforts have focused on reducing forest vulnerability through selective harvest and application of insecticide treatments. 人们普遍认为,这次疫情的规模和严重程度是前所未有的. However, establishing the precedence of this outbreak requires longer-term data and currently no such records exist that provide context for land managers, stakeholders, 公共政策制定者. 尽管存在这些挑战, the visibility of the ongoing outbreak presents a crucial opportunity to advance our understanding of the social-ecological dynamics of bark beetle disturbances. The Bark Beetle working group aims to capitalize on this opportunity by identifying key knowledge gaps in our understanding of the social-environmental linkages of past, present, 以及未来树皮甲虫的干扰.



Morris JL, S Cottrell, CJ Fettig, JA Hicke, SJ Seybold, WD Hansen, VA Carter, JL Clear, JM Clement, S Cottrell, RJ DeRose, PE Higuera, K Mattor, AWR Seddon, H Seppӓ, R Sherriff, & J Stednick. (in progress). 树皮甲虫对社会生态系统的影响:激发未来研究的优先问题. 《365滚球官网》特邀稿件.

莫里斯JL,罗斯RJ, & AR Brunelle. (2015). 美国犹他州中部亚高山森林景观变化的长期展望. 森林生态系统2:1-12.

Morris JL, S Cottrell, K Mattor, W Hansen, A Seddon, H seppeh, & JL Clear (2015). 森林昆虫干扰的社会生态维度:过去、现在和未来. 过去的全球变化通讯23:4.

Czaja, M., Bright, A., & Cottrell, S.P. (2015).  综合复杂性、信念和态度:应用于规定的火力. 森林政策与经济杂志. 10.1016/j.forpol.2015.07.003

McGrady, P., Cottrell, S.拉迪克·科特雷尔,J., Clement, J., & Czaja, M. (In Press). 当地对山松甲虫侵扰的看法, forest management, 并与科罗拉多州和怀俄明州的国家森林有关. 人类生态学报,1-12 DOI 10.1007/s10745-015-9803-8  

Grant Proposals

Past Global Changes. Funded. 工作组倡议:将树木年轮和湖泊沉积物记录联系起来. JL Clear, PI & RC Chiverrell, I Drobyshev, RJ DeRose, JL Morris, M Svoboda, co- pi($81,500)资助

联合消防科学计划. 通过陈述选择模型评估森林恢复力和生态干扰的前景. S Cottrell, PI & K Mattor, JL Morris, Y Wei, co- pi(310,944美元)下降

国家科学基金会-DEB小组. Collaborative Research: Ecosystem consequences of centennial- to millennial-scale variability in forest disturbance regimes in the U.S. Northern Rockies. PE Higuera, PI和J Abatzoglou, JA Hicke, T Hudiberg, & 莫里斯公司(JL Morris)股价下跌(710,529美元)


Susan Charnley,美国林务局



蓝山工作组利用从乌马提拉获得的长期生态数据, Malheur, 和瓦洛瓦-惠特曼国家森林, 包括斯塔奇实验森林和牧场, 以及当地的社会经济信息, 基于自然资源的社区正在进行的和新的研究.  Our initial focus was to sponsor two workshops to bring together scientists and stakeholders to explore opportunities for landscape-scale research proposals using these long-term data sets from public and private lands in the Blue Mountains. 我们的目标是解决重要问题, and integrated, 与太平洋西北地区干旱森林和牧场管理有关的生态和社会经济问题. 工作组寻求提供新的知识来帮助减少脆弱性, fostering adaptation, improving resilience, and supporting the sustainability of natural and human systems within the complex mountain landscapes of the Blue Mountains and beyond.




Developed network of >40 scientists and stakeholders with interests in socioecological issues in the Blue Mountains Province

Created two sub-groups - ranching and ungulates - each now developing grant proposals and formulating more concrete research topics

Conducting ongoing research that focuses on how to promote the resilience of public lands grazing and ranching in the Blue Mountains

Conducting ongoing research on the social and economic feasibility of using beavers and artificial beaver dams as a watershed restoration and climate change adaptation strategy on rangelands in the Blue Mountains

正在进行关于猎人满意度的研究, 影响猎人成功的因素, 以及猎人与鹿和麋鹿在斯塔奇的一项对照实验中的互动.

Will produce a case study documenting the social and economic issues associated with using beavers and artificial beaver dams as a watershed restoration and drought mitigation strategy on private ranchlands and public lands grazing allotments from two sites in the Blue Mountains

提交了NSF LTREB提案,以研究有蹄类动物之间复杂的相互作用, carnivores, 以及蓝山的人类. 基于斯塔基实验森林的长期数据 & Range






Patrick Bourgeron,科罗拉多州立大学






治理工作组在2013年首届MtnSEON年会上成立, by Greg Greenwood, Sandra Pinel, and Mike Evans, 解决如何做出决策的结构和过程,以及科学如何适应机构之间的复杂过程, 地方和部落政府, scientists, 以及其他知识和行动的来源. 该集团在国际上发展壮大. 通过论文的发展, 会议和贝尔蒙特论坛拨款提案, the group is applying a social ecological systems framework and engaged research methodology to the following two research questions: 1) How can scientific information support equitable and effective decision-making toward resilience? and 2) How are institutions developed at multiple scales to apply science and local and indigenous knowledge in decisions to address the persistent problems of scale and inequitable local capacity in complex peri-urban and rural regions? 该项目首先综合了法律研究中的制度分析框架, watershed governance, political economy, and regional planning and then applies the framework to draw lessons from comparing case studies of watershed governance in metropolitan and rural mountain landscapes.


Building upon the comments received from the June 2015 submitted comparative grant proposal to the Belmont Forum to submit two other proposals: one that is Latin American case study oriented to the Tinker Foundation, 一份给了国家科学基金会, 基于EPSCoR成员工作的跨学科行为和社会科学研究(IBSS).

2016年7月在里约热内卢举行的世界规划学校大会接受治理圆桌会议, 在巴西,我们将进一步制定合作研究论文和资助计划,如下所示,并为贝尔蒙特.

October 2015 participation and group growth at the 珀斯3:我们未来地球的山脉 conference - 2 papers and transboundary governance roundtable as well as agendas forward from the transdisciplinary science sessions.

Developing the framework and comparative paper of peri-urban and rural mountain governance studies focused on regional institutional building. 2016年3月在秘鲁利马举行的第四届联合国人与生物圈大会上也提出了这一概念.

Proposal June 1, 2015年,贝尔蒙特论坛,售价738美元,000, 3 years: Building Local and Regional Institutional Capacity to Govern Complex Mountain Landscapes -- Improving Governance Theory and Adaptive Management Practice in Mountain Systems (not funded but the base of current work). 

世界规划学校大会圆桌会议, July 2016: Overcoming Limits of Decentralization for Adaptive Governance: Comparisons of Regional Institution Building Across Rural to Urban and Rural Mountain Watersheds of the Americas, Authors: 桑德拉·皮内尔,新英格兰安提阿大学, USA; Pablo Torres Lima, 大学Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico; Fausto López, 特别洛哈大学, Ecuador; Manuel Peralvo, CONSESAN, Ecuador; Paulo S. de Almeida,巴西圣保罗大学Saõ.

Paper presented, 2016年10月:从美洲的三个景观看气候变化和区域制度建设是否足够“本土化”, 珀斯3:我们未来地球的山脉. 作为《365体育滚球》的手稿. 建议的边界.

科学的利益相关者:气候变化知识生产的新模式. Authors, Nicole L. Klenk, Katie Meehan, Sandra Lee Pinel, Fabian Mendez, Pablo Torres Lima, Daniel M. Kammen,发表在2015年11月13日的《365滚球官网》杂志上. 




入侵物种工作小组正试图建立更完整的物种, trans-disciplinary approaches to the research and management of invasive plant species in complex ecological and agricultural regions like the Intermountain West. Specifically, we are interested in how re-envisioning the process of plant invasions as a social-ecological system can reveal more relevant research directions and, ultimately, 改善管理策略和结果.


Jeremy Bruskotter,俄亥俄州立大学










河流景观工作组旨在评估生物物理复杂性, connectivity, 哥伦比亚河流域河流景观的质量, 从落基山脉的源头到太平洋, 通过考察水的质量和数量的中心主题是如何贯穿社会的, 经济和生态控制和约束(气候), governance, public perception, and economics).



Proposal in progress




创建SESTEP工作组是为了开发一个工作模型, proposed curriculum, and proposal to US federal and private granting agencies to establish a Social Ecological Systems Training and Education Program (SESTEP) and graduate certificate. SESTEP的想法源于山区研究教育 I [AZ1] 规划研讨会,由MtnSEON领导团队于2014年5月主持. 在该次会议上,对建立培训联邦政府的机制表示了强烈的协商一致意见, tribal, state, 以及当地政府管理专业人士, 以及学术界和非政府组织人员, 在SES的理论和实践中应用于资源管理问题. SESTEP aims to answer this call by creating a certificate-granting program that aims to build capacity among natural resource managers and professionals. SESTEP将采用适应性和参与性培训方法, 因此,参与者群体内部的固有知识将增强学习能力(例如.g.(反馈循环),并帮助改进可用于自然资源管理的SES工具.

SESTEP是一个针对处理复杂自然资源管理问题的专业人员的培训项目, 比如多用途森林, climate change, 水资源管理. SESTEP旨在培养管理人员的能力, professionals, 和研究生水平的学生解决土地和自然资源管理. SESTEP培训适用于各级管理人员, including federal, state, 以及当地政府管理专业人士, 部落土地管理者, town planners, academics, and NGO personnel. SESTEP参与者将获得专业证书, 可选5个学分, 在蒙大拿大学自学成才, 6-week course. 该培训包括面对面、虚拟和实地学习模块.






Physical Address:
IRIC 209

Mailing Address:
University of Idaho
Moscow, Idaho

Phone: 208-885-4409

Fax: 208-885-9428

Email: crc@jiechengstone.net