

作为一个可持续发展的机构, the University of Idaho has reduced its environmental impact by purchasing sustainable products and abiding by university procurement policies. 通过购买可持续产品, such as recycled paper or locally grown food, the U of I minimizes its greenhouse gas emissions and the amount of waste we send to the landfill.


In an effort to further reduce how much waste the University of Idaho produces, the 可持续发展工作小组 has proposed new procurement standards for the university, outlined in the 可持续解决方案白皮书:

  • 建议3.7: Establish procurement standards by which to reduce or eliminate single-use plastic on campus in dining services, 自动售货机和研究实验室. 这可能包括:
  • Providing reusable to-go food containers for campus residential and retail dining locations
  • Replacing all single-use straws and cutlery at campus dining locations with compostable or reusable products
  • Adding water bottle fill stations in each building

Read the 可持续解决方案白皮书.


U of I policy (APM.50个州, “All University of Idaho units are required to purchase office paper with a minimum sustainable specification of acid-free 30% post-consumer waste recycled paper content. 除了, colored paper and paper of other sizes will be purchased as 30% or higher recycled, 无酸纸. The University strongly supports purchasing the maximum recyclable content possible, 高达100%可回收, 加工无氯纸.”



大学盈余 manages the auction and sale of university assets that are no longer being used. Instead of throwing away older items, employees can take them to Surplus and have them resold. Having a surplus system is a great way to reduce how much waste we produce as a university and provide quality second-hand items to our community. 剩余物品商店从早上9点开始营业.m. 到3点.m. 星期五. For more information, visit the Surplus website. 



The items we buy for ourselves and our university have a significant impact on the environment and society. Unsustainable products can have negative environmental effects, such as pollution produced from processing materials, plastic and chemical waste from packaging products, greenhouse gas emissions from transporting products and using unsustainably sourced production materials. Unsustainable products can also have negative societal effects, including inequitable conditions for workers like low wages and unsafe work environments. As we continue to move toward a more sustainable world, it is important for us to consider where our purchased products come from and how they were made. Sustainable procurement refers to how businesses can identify and reduce the environmental and social impacts of their supply chains. This includes: identifying suppliers who are low-impact, fair trade or environmentally friendly; identifying suppliers who pay their workers fair, 公平的工资和安全保障, healthy conditions for workers; purchasing products that use responsibly sourced materials; purchasing products that reduce waste during production and transportation; and purchasing products that have low-waste, plastic-free packaging that can be composted, 回收或再利用.


Vandals can help support sustainable procurement by purchasing sustainable products on campus when possible and by suggesting replacements when they see an unsustainable product that has an environmentally friendly alternative. Off-campus Vandals can do their part by paying attention to fair trade and organic labels, and types of packaging when purchasing their groceries or other personal items. Another great option that is both sustainable and affordable is to buy used items from charities and thrift stores; buying used items not only reduces how much waste we send to landfills, but it also supports local non-profits that do good for our communities.




电子邮件: uofi-sustainability@jiechengstone.net
